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Dan Cogdell announces charges to be dropped in case against Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton

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Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, with his attorney Dan Cogdell, reached a Pretrial Diversion agreement Tuesday morning with special prosecutors to dismiss a nine-year old case. Once the requirements are fulfilled, all charges will be dismissed.

“The State approached us, and General Paxton is happy to agree to the terms of the dismissal. The agreement allows him to get back to representing the citizens of the State of Texas. But let me be clear, at no time was he going to enter any plea bargain agreement or admit to conduct that simply did not occur. There is no admission of any wrongdoing on Ken’s part in the agreement because there was no wrongdoing on his part,” Cogdell said.

Paxton expressed gratitude for the unwavering support of his defense team and more importantly, his fellow Texans. 

“I am grateful to reach this agreement, to get this matter behind me, so I can get back to the work representing the State of Texas,” Paxton said.

“The sole person that was acquitted in any Enron-related trial was my client. Every other defendant in that case hired lawyers from New York and were ultimately found guilty.”
– Dan Cogdell

One of – if not the – greatest corporate corruption cases in the history of the world was Enron. Executives scrambled to secure the best legal minds money could buy – mostly from the glitzy towers of New York. But not Sheila Kehanak. She placed her faith in Dan Cogdell who turned what seemed like an insurmountable legal Everest into a mere speed bump on the road to exoneration, while the others faltered under the weight of guilty verdicts. 

“The right result happened, but it shouldn’t have gotten this far. For us to go through this, that is Ken Paxton and his family as well as the senators and everyone else, is just a shame.”

– Dan Cogdell

In an extraordinary and historic Texas impeachment, Dan Cogdell defended Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. On September 16, 2023, members of the Texas Senate – acting as jurors – acquitted General Paxton of 16 charges alleging bribery, abuse of power, and unfitness of office Four other charges were dismissed outright. Cogdell, along with members of the Ken Paxton defense team, had just three months to prepare for the one-of-kind proceeding that was streamed live and witnessed across the United States and the world.

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